Full text: Vitruvius: The architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio in ten books

of the column, and they are to be so coupled together 
with dovetailed dowels as to leave a space of two inches 
between them. For if they are laid touching each other, 
and the air does not play round them, they heat and 
soon rot. Above the beams and walls the mutuli pro- 
ject one-fourth the height of the column. In front of 
these members are fixed, and over them the tympanum 
of the pediment, either of masonry or timber. Above 
the pediment the ridge-piece (columen), rafters (can- 
therii), and purlines (templa), are distributed so that the 
water may drip therefrom on three sides. Circular tem- 
ples are also constructed, of which some are MONop- 
TERAL, having columns without a cell ; others are called 
PERIPTERAL. Those without a cell have a raised floor 
(tribunal), and an ascent thereto equal to one-third of 
their diameter. On the pedestals (stylobatæ) columns 
are raised, whose height is equal to the diameter which 
the pedestal occupies, and their thickness, including the 
bases and capitals, one-tenth part of their height. 
The height of the architrave is half a diameter; the 
frieze and members over it are to be proportioned ac- 
cording to the directions to that effect which have been 
given in the third book. But if the building be perip- 
teral, two steps, and then the pedestals are built there- 
under; the wall of the cell is raised at a distance from 
the pedestals of about one-fifth of the whole diameter, 
and in the middle is left an opening for the door. The 
clear diameter of the cell within the walls, is to be equal 
to the height of the columns above the pedestals. The 
columns round the cell are proportioned as above di- 
rected. At the centre of the roof, the height of it is 
equal to half the diameter of the work, exclusive of the 
flower. The flower without the pyramid is to equal in 
dimensions the capitals of the columns. The other parts 
are to be similar in proportions and symmetry to those 
already described. Other species of temples are also 
erected, regulated on the same principles, but with a dif-

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