Fig. 1. The Doric Order. Chapter III. Book IV.
A.A. The Column, with twenty flutes.
B. The Capital.
C. The Architrave, or Epistylium.
D. The Frieze.
E. The Cornice.
F. A Metopa.
G. A Triglyph.
H. Capital of a Triglyph.
Fig. 2.
The lonic Order. Chapter III. Book III.
A.A. The Column.
B. The Base.
C. The Capital.
D. The Architrave.
E. The Frieze.
F. The Cornice.
G. Lower Fascia.
H. Middle Fascia.
I. Upper Fascia.
K. Side elevation of Capital:
L.L. Dentels.
M. Capital to a larger scale.
Fig. 3.
Corinthian Order. Chapter I. Book IV.
The plan of the Corinthian Capital.
Fig. 4. The Elevation of the same.