Full text: Vitruvius: The architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, in ten books

I SHALL now speak of purple, which, above all other co¬ 
lours, has a delightful effect, not less from its rarity than 
from its excellence. It is procured from the marine 
shell which yields the scarlet dye, and possesses qualities 
not less extraordinary than those of any other body what- 
ever. It does not in all places where it is found possess 
the same quality of colour ; but varies in that respect 
according to the sun's course. Thus, that which is ob¬ 
tained in Pontus and in Galatia, from the nearness of 
those countries to the north, is brown ; in those between 
the south and the west, it is pale ; that which is found in 
the equinoctial regions, east and west, is of a violet hue; 
lastly, that which comes from southern countries possesses 
a red quality: the red sort is also found in the island of 
Rhodes, and other places near the equator. After the 
shells are gathered they are broken into small pieces with 
iron bars; from the blows of which, the purple dye oozes 
out like tears, and is drained into mortars and ground. It is 
called ostrum, because extracted from marine shells. 
Inasmuch as this colour, from its saltness, soon dries, it 
is prepared for use with honey.

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