Full text: Vitruvius: The architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, in ten books

IL SHALL now describe how the different sorts of build¬ 
Winter tri¬ 
ings are placed as regards their aspects. 
clinia and baths are to face the winter west, because the 
afternoon light is wanted in them; and not less so because 
the setting sun casts its rays upon them, and by its heat 
warms the aspect towards the evening hours. Bed cham¬ 
bers and libraries should be towards the east, for their pur- 
poses require the morning light : in libraries the books 
are in this aspect preserved from decay ; those that are 
towards the south and west are injured by the worm and 
by the damp, which the moist winds generate and nou¬ 
rish, and spreading the damp, make the books mouldy. 
Spring and autumn triclinia should be towards the east, 
for then, if the windows be closed till the sun has 
passed the meridian, they are cool at the time they are 
wanted for use. Summer triclinia should be towards the 
north, because that aspect, unlike others, is not heated du- 
ring the summer solstice, but, on account of being turned 
away from the course of the sun, is always cool, and 
affords health and refreshment. Pinacothecæ should have 
the same aspect, as well as rooms for embroidering and 
painting, that the colours used therein, by the equability 
of the light, may preserve their brilliancy.

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