enen ele e e ne e e e ne ebene be
se en e eh e en e e e en en
detetiere e e ene en e oe ie
bese e ere en e nene en eie en
Der builing e o ied he end enpendeahnin elig edae,
te e ding hine e en e eih he ne ane be ae oile nan
de ehe epele ed e pie beieng nd en pele ne eoninad.
sich biekei dhe vel ahene elich oet ornd he non iynetun and
Pehese he eah eclh e tenphe lapie ndefisele e li buit
bick, ihe furomnding eoluns and epihlian eing of fones; the ancent vale dt
Arere, in kal, erelenly voughei he honde buit hy the dtale ing an frele
wrlich i ahnane given for the halinion of hole vhoben he ofite o pielh of he ah ,
thepeinig elich were broght from Lacdenon, were cut fon vals d bricks, ad.
coneped in cis of vod, to ornament the Comiumn, in the edichip of Varo and
Mrena: the house of Celus, which the citisens of Sardis converted into a colege for the
retement of the aged: the mausdleun of the most porent king of Halliarnassig in vhich,
thougch the ornaments were allof Proconefan matble, the wall werebuilt of bricks, which
temin to dhis tine escecdingly, subtantal; and the incrustation apears as polished and
Giling as dlas. Nor was it to avoid espence that this king used bricks; for, as he
commanded all Caria, hi revene vasimmenle, and fiperluous; but it was the resalt ot
hi judgement and knowledge in bulding, a may from the folloving insfance be concluded.
He vas born at Mylasso, but observing Halliarnassus to be a place fortified by nature, wel
adapted for commerce, and having a commodious harbour, he there established his residence.
This place is in the form of a theatre; the forum is fituated at the bottom, near the port. At
the top, in the middle of the curve, is formed an area, or square, of ample dimentions, in
the midt of which stands the mausoleum, a building so excellent, that it is numbered
amonest the seven wonders of the world. In the middle of the citadel above, is the temple
of Mars, having the colossal statue which they call Acrolithon, made by the hand of the
noble Telochares, or, as some think, by Timotheus. The temple of Venus and Mercury
is at the extremity of the right horn of the curve, near the fountain of Salmacis; of which,
those who drink, according to a vulgar notion, become amorous: but the origin of this
false report, which has spread over the whole world, must be related. It owed its rise to
no property in the water producing effeminacy or unchastity; but to its transparency and
(5*) Paries may signify any structure; either a house, or Galiani, in translating the word communis exterior. See
Note 7, Chap. I. Book I.
a single wall; I have supposed it to signify the former, in
(6*) Vitruvius names one Leochares, in the preface of his
this place; because it appears to me undoubtedly to be the
seventh Book; and Pliny, Chap. V. Book XXXVI. mentions
meaning of Vitruvius; the rather, as he presently after
Leochares, a sculptor, who flourished under the reign of
mentions the time of letting, which cannot be supposed to
king Mausolus; from whence it is thought, that Telochares,
allude to a single wall, but must refer to some kind of ha¬
here named, was the same person; the different spelling
bitation, or dwelling.
This is one reason why I cannot follow the example of 1 being very likely owing to the mistake of the copyists.