e e e i e e de neien ilen
returns, and changes.
e e e e e e onen alne en ie
lihn e en en e en ine e aun
he e ehe ecehn en egeishe heden andeihen n le e
ed e aeie eren d he ehne n ethe n ein in
Geie en e e ide pen ae n eihe e ehen nd ohun
Tihesen olhe n ind eie ion eoneie ien r nonaini le
e e e er enine eich e n he ie eon e lenen iegen
sehne en n e hn e e e on e nen e ane he enin
der de in e ien haleng de pet he eihen inde lich o di eien aen
ie hare ben eled Euro bythe Grcke, as alo, che moring fon these due datuine,
ther eld auion. Sone these ne vho deny that Fratshenes old onpute hetine
weslue feheath, be spetng hat tobeche eake itde no inaldhte ur erision
ef hetegjons fon uhene the fesal vind anit, bat onhy endersthe just meslire of he
soace ocupied by each wind, indeterminable, and uncertein.
To ilsftate and faciktate the concepion of thele things, which are but briely etpläined,
tvo heutes or, as they are cld by the Grekh, Sekemaie, are phaced at the end of the
hock; one is contrived to fhew the regions, from whence the several wind arise; the other,
to shewy the manner of diposing the lanes and frets, so as to avoid their norious blats,
Tir center of the level plain is thewn by the letter A, the shadow of the ghomon
Fg. II. he forenoon is at B. Extendinig the compasses to the mark of the shadow at B,
describe a circle. Let the gnomon remain, and wait while the fhadow decreases, and again
encreases, til the afternoon shadow is equal to that of the forenon, and touches the line
of the circle at C. Then extending the compasses from B to C, describe an intersection D,
and from that intersection, continue a line through the center to the letters E and F, at the
extremities; this line will indicate the southern and northern regions. Then with the
compasses, taking the sixteenth part of the whole circumference, and putting the central
foot in the meridian line, where it touches the circumference at E, make marks to the
right and left, where the letters G and H are placed. On the north side also, setting the
central foot of the compasses in the circle, at the north line, where F stands, mark to the
right and left, where the letters I and K are placed; draw lines from G to K, and
from H to I, passing through the center. Thus the space from G to H, will be the
province of the wind Auster, and of the southern regions; as the space from I to K, will
be that of the northern. The remaining parts, three to the right, and three to the left,
are equally divided; those to the east are marked with the letters L and M, and those
to the west with N and O; from M to O, and from L to N, lines are drawn, intersecting
each other, and thus the circle will be divided into the eight equal spaces of the winds.
(4*) The morning breezes.