Full text: Vitruvius: The architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio

Of Things relative to Defence. 
OE the Scorpions, Catapultae, and Balistae, as also of Tortoises and Towers, by whom they 
were invented, and how they fhould be constructed, I have discoursed so far as appeared to 
me proper. But of the Scala (adders) and Carchelia, and those things of which the pun¬ 
cioles are more fimple, it is not necessiy to write ; for thefe the foldiers themselves ubual¬ 
make. Nor can they in alplaces be of the same construcion; becule forifications fom 
forifcations, and the courage of nations, ne diferent: sone machines should be futed to 
the bold and daring, othes toche digent, and others agin to che timid. Whoeter there- 
foe willatend to chee precepts, celecing from thei variety, and combining them togther 
in one compositon, vil not vant ocher afifane; but vhatever the cafe, or the cireum¬ 
fances o the natue of he place may require, he vilvichout doubt be abletopeiom. 
O dfensive machinesit i not pofibletogve an erplentin in vriüng; sor the enenyf 
make not khir miltag venpons lke ours and their deies ne ofentine, by alden 
iegenionehogehe sihon nechne fondede. Thn i rpetedte harchaypened vin 
the khadans. Dogetsvas ehodien achiecd iho van pid fired anua alay kon 
de pohle o honon hin o bskel. hatin erinchied fon ardne ned 
cle, arind a Rhode, obeaned an audene, and podued andlofa val vin d 
nechie i echete arehehun eiehero y shehkeodeien e anponehing 
te forsetion ad nene vihin de veale. hen de bodens sur ha ndeh in 
er ainitein dhe ok on Degens hs chebihed dhng, and eonend hit honaun 
upon Callias. 
Aahon hat ine ling Denerin eho fr he finet of nind us eled Polaece, 
ein e en e o n enehn anon aenin aehte 
viho ih get hbon nd n ine ene eped a edepdle hoe hege nan 
(15) The carchesa are spoken of at the fifch chapter 
(2) Signitying a machine for the atack of cties. 
(22) A cir beseger. The hiftorians say Demetrius 
was so calle fom the number of cities he besieged, and 
fom bis persevering inthe sege tl le had conquered.

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