Full text: Vitruvius: M. Vitruvii Pollionis De architectura libri decem

Paries. De eo II, 8. VII, 1. 3. III, 3. 1, 5. VI, 9. VI, 
VI. 11. parietes communes II, 8. VI, 9. 1, 1. lateritu 
II, 8. medii V, 2. testacei VI, 8. 
Passus X, 14. p. 311 extr. 
Pavimentum. De eo VII, 1. & 4. 
Pelecinon, horologium IX, 9. p. 280. 
Pentadoron II, 3. p. 52. laterum genus, palmorum quinque. 
Pentamoeron III, 1. p. 84. 
Pentaspaston X, 3 pr. 
Penula X, 12. p. 306. 
Periactos V, 7. p. 145. machina in scena & locus, in quo 
ea est. 
Peridromides VI, 10. p. 184. xysti V, 11. p. 156. 
Periechuntes loci, es V, 8. p. 147. 
Perimetros V, 6. p. 142. 
Peripteros III, 1. p. 86. IV, 7. p. 122. 
Peristylium, peristylon: de eo VI, 10. V, 11. Doricum VI, 
4. p. 173 sq. Rhodiacum VI, 10. p. 183. aedium pri¬ 
vatarum VI, 4. p. 173 extr. 174. 
Peritretum, n, foramen in balista X, 17. p. 317. 
I, 2. p. 21. 
Peritrochium in machina tractoria X, 4 pr. 
Perpendiculum: ad perpendiculum VIII, 6. II, 8. p. 63. IX. 
4. p. 268. 
Pes. De eo III, 1. 
Phalanga. De ea X, 8. 
Pharetra, horologium IX, 9. p. 280. 
Phellos in horologio IX, 9. p. 283. 
Pictura in aedificiis: de ratione pingendi VII, 5 
Pilae: de pilis aedificiorum VI, 11. p. 186. V, 10. p. 152. 
& sq. V, 1. 11. II, 8. in mortario VII, 6. 
Pinacotheca constituenda VI, 5. 1, 2. p. 22. 
Pinax, tabula summa hydraulica X, 13. p. 308. 
Pinnae rotae in organis ad hauriendam aquam X, 10. p. 
303. in hydraulicis X, 13. p. 309. in testudine X, 21 pr. 
Pistrinum VI, 9. p. 180. 
Plastica I, 1. p. 16. 
Platea: platearum ad coelum directiones 1, 6. p. 33. 
Pleuritides, regulae in hydraulico X, 13. p. 309. 
Plinthigonatos X, 17. p. 319. 
Plinthis & plinthus, later. II, 8. III, 2. 3. in columna IV, 
3. p. 112. III, 2. p. 88. III, 3. p. 95. IV, 7. p. 122.

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