Canon XXVI.
MAlaciſſation is wrought by Conſubſtantials, by Imprinters, and by Cloſers
The Explication.
THe reaſon is manifeſt, for that Conſubſtantials do properly ſupple the body, Im-
printers do carry in, Cloſers up do retain and bridle the Perspiration, which is a
motion oppoſite to Malaciſſation. And therefore (as we deſcribed in the ninth Ope-
ration) Malaciſſation cannot well be done at once, but in a courſe or order. Firſt, by
excluding the Liquor by Thickners: for an out ward and groſs Infuſion doth not well
compact the body: that which entreth muſt be ſubtil, and a kind of vapour. Second-
ly, by Intenerating by the conſent of Conſubstantials: for bodies upon the touch of
thoſe things which have good agreement with them, open themſelves, and relax their
pores. Thirdly, Imprinters are Convoys, and inſinuate into the parts the Conſubſtan-
tials, and the mixture of gentle Aſtringents doth ſomewhat reſtrain the Perspiration. But
then, in the fourth place, follows that great Aſtriction and Cloſure up of the body by
Emplaiſtration, and then afterward by Inunction, until the supple be turned into Solid,
as we ſaid in the proper place.
Canon XxVII.
FRequent Renovation of the Parts Repairable watereth and reneweth the leſs Reparable
The Explication.
WE ſaid in the Preface to this Hiſtory, that the way of Death was this, That the
Parts Reparable died in the fellowſhip of the Parts leſs Reparable: ſo that in the
Reparation of theſe ſame leſs Reparable Parts all our forces would be employed. And
therefore being admoniſhed by Ariſtotle’s obſervation touching Plants, namely, That
the putting forth of new ſhoots and branches refreſheth the body of the Tree in the paſſage; we conceive the like reaſon might be, if the fleſh and bloud in the body of man were
often renewed, that thereby the bones themſelves, and membranes, and other parts
which in their own nature are leſs Reparable, partly by the chearful paſſage of the
juices, partly by that new cloathing of the young fleſh and bloud, might be w
atered and
REfrigeration or Cooling of the body, which paſſeth ſome other ways than by the Sto-
mach, is uſeful for Long life.
The Explication.
THe reaſon is at hand: for ſeeing a Refrigeration not temperate, but powerful, (eſpe-
cially of the bloud) is above all things neceſſary to Long life: this can by no means
be effected from within as much as is requiſite, without the deſtruction of the sto-
mach and Bowels.
Canon XXIX.
THat Intermixing or Intangling, that as well Conſumption as Reparation are the works
of Heat, is the greateſt obſtacle to Long life.
The Explication.
ALmoſt all great works are deſtroyed by the Natures of things Intermixed, whenas
that which helpeth in one reſpect hurteth in another: therefore men muſt proceed
herein by a ſound judgement, and a diſcreet practice. For our part, we have done ſo
as far as the matter will bear, and our memory ſerveth us, by ſeparating benign heats
from hurtful, and the Remedies which tend to both.
Canon XXX.
CUring of Diſeaſes is effected by Temporary Medicines; but Lengthning of Life re-
quireth Obſervation of Diets.
The Explication.
THoſe things which come by accident, as ſoon as the cauſes are removed ceaſe
again; but the continued courſe of nature, like a running River, requires a con-
tinual rowing and ſailing againſt the ſtream: therefore we muſt work regularly by Di-
ets. Now Diets are of two kinds: Set Diets, which are to be obſerved at certain times; and Familiar Diet, which is to be admitted into our daily repaſt, But the set Diets are
the more potent, that is, a courſe of Medicines for a time: for thoſe things which are
of ſo great virtue that they are able to turn Nature back again, are, for the moſt part,
more ſtrong, and more ſpeedily altering, than thoſe which may without danger be re-
ceived into a continual uſe. Now in the Remedies ſet down in our Intentions you