Full text: Bacon, Francis: Sylva sylvarum

81. The Explication.

THe Actions or Functions which are in the ſeveral Members follow the nature of
the Members themſelves, (Attraction, Retention, Digeſtion, Aſſimilation, Separation,
Excretion, Perspiration, even Senſe it ſelf) according to the propriety of the ſeveral
Organs, (the Stomach, Liver, Heart, Spleen, Gall, Brain, Eye, Ear, and the reſt:) yet none of theſe Actions would ever have been actuated but by the vigour and pre-
ſence of the Vital spirit and heat thereof: as one Iron would not have drawn another
Iron, unleſs it had been excited by the Load ſtone, nor an Egge would ever have brought
forth a Bird, unleſs the ſubſtance of the Hen had been actuated by the treading of the

82. Canon VI.

THe liveleſs Spirits are next Conſa [?] bſtantial to Air; the vital Spirits approach more to the
ſubſtance of Flame.

83. The Explication.

THe Explication of the precedent fourth Canon is alſo a declaration of this preſent
Canon: but yet further, from hence it is that all fat and oily things continue
long in their Being; For neither doth the Air much pluck them, neither do they
much deſire to joyn themſelves with Air. As for that conceit it is altogether vain,
That Flame ſhould be Air ſet on fire, ſeeing Flame and Air are no leſs heterogeneal
than Oil and Water. But whereas it is ſaid in the Canon, that the vital ſpirits approach
more to the ſubſtance of Flame; it muſt be underſtood, that they do this more than
the liveleſs spirits, not that they are more Flamy than Airy.

84. Canon VII.

THe Spirit bath two Deſires; one of multiplying it ſelf, the other of flying forth and
congregating it ſelf with the Connaturals.

85. The Explication.

THe Canon is underſtood of the liveleſs spirits; for as for the ſecond Deſire, the
vital spirit doth moſt of all abhor flying forth of the body, for it finds no Con-
natural here below to joyn withal: Perhaps it may ſometimes flie to the outward
parts of the body, to meet that which it loveth; but the flying forth, as I ſaid, it ab-
horreth. But in the liveleſs ſpirits each of theſe two Deſires holdeth. For to the for-
mer this belongeth, Every ſpirit ſeated among ſt the groſſer parts dwelleth unhappily; and
therefore when it finds not a like unto it ſelf, it doth ſo much the more labour to cre-
ate and make a like, as being in a great ſolitude, and endeavour earneſtly to multiply it
ſelf, and to prey upon the volatile of the großer parts, that it may be encreaſed in quan-
tity. As for the ſecond Deſire of flying forth, and betaking it ſelf to the Air, it is cer-
tain that all light things (which are ever movable) do willingly go unto their likes near
unto them, as a Dröp of water is carried to a Drop, Flame to Flame: but much more
this is done in the flying forth of ſpirit into the Air ambient, becauſe it is not carried
to a particle like unto it ſelf, but alſo as unto the Globe of the Cannaturals. Mean-while
this is to be noted, That the going forth and flight of the ſpirit into air is a redoubled
action, partly out of the appetite of the ſpirit, partly out of the appetite of the air; for
the common air is a needy thing, and receiveth all things ſpeedily, as Spirits, Odours, B [?] eams,
Sounds, and the like.

86. Canon VIII.

SPirit detained, if is [?] have no poſſibility of begetting new ſpirits, itenerateth the groſſer

87. The Explicæ [?] tion.

GEneration of new Spirit is not accompliſhed but upon thoſe things which are in
ſome degree near to ſpirit, ſuch as are humid bodies. And therefore if the groſſer
parts (amongſt which the Spirit converſeth) be in a remote degree, although the ſpirit
cannot convert them, yet (as much as it can) it weakneth, and ſoftneth, and ſubdueth
them, that ſeeing it cannot increaſe in quantity, yet it will d well more at large, and live
amongſt good neighbours and friends. Now this Apheriſm is moſt uſeful to our
End, becauſe it tendeth to the Inteneration of the obſtinate parts by the detention of the

88. Canon IX.

THe Inteneration of the harder parts cometh to good effect, when the Spirit neither fly-
eth forth, nor begetteth new Spirit.


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