Full text: Aristoteles: De coloribvs libellvs

DE COLORIBVS. adferam, id non rectè inſerri: verum tamen eſſe lu-
men in cauſa eſſe, quare colores vario modo viſum
moueant: atque iccirco in Solis eclipſi, alba videri pal
lida; vt taceam, quod author noſter, ſentiat, nullum
colorem cerni, vt eſt; propterea quod medium & lu-
men, alio atque alio erga nos habitu, varient co
lorum phantaſiam: velut de columbarum
collo, poſtea copioſius diſputabitur. Atq. hęc ſunt, quę de colorum
natura, paucis prędixiſſe
voluimus, vt au-
thoris ſen-
dehinc facilius perſpici queat.


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