Full text: Appeltauer, Ignatius: Elementorum matheseos purae pars prima continens algebram

— 27 
35a3b7chd: 7a2bac4 —ab3cd 
21a5b3c : —3a 3bc 2b2 
86. §. Quantitas complexa per incomple 
xam dividitur, si quivis terminus prioris per 
posteriorem dividatur, et quoti particulares in 
summam colligantur. Exempla: 
(ab +a) : aab  a-a: ab-I 
(a2-ab) : a—a2 : a-ab : a—a-b. 
(1542b 3c—5ab2c3): 5ab2 c—3ab—2 
—jabc —anh2am3be4—42b. 
87. §. Si dividendus et divisor fuerint quan 
ritates complexae, ordinentur ambo secundum 
potentias unius judeterminatae (§. 69.); divida 
tur primus terminus dividendi per primum divi 
soris, quotus inventus ducatur in totum diviso 
rem, productum auferatur a dividendo; si am. 
bo se tollant, divisio erit finita. 
1. (z1a3b2c—35abc 3d): (3a 2 b—5c2 d)Tabe 
21a b2c—35abc 3d 
II. (18amt3b2 cd—12ambenfid2): (za3h—zend) 

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