Full text: Appeltauer, Ignatius: Elementorum matheseos purae pars prima continens algebram

Propter compendium 
calculi reducatur haec fractio ad hanc formam 
72. 25 . 133 
, quae dat 
52. 35. 193 
log. x  2. log. 7 4 5. log. 2 +3. log. 13 
— (2 log. 5 + 5 log. 3+ 3 log. 19). 
2 log. 7 = 1,6901960 
5 log. 2 — 1,5051500 
3 log. 13 = 333418302 
log. numeratoris  6,537 1762 
2 log. 5 = 1,3979400 
5 log. 3 = 2,3856065 
3 log. 19 z 3,8362608 
log. denominatoris = 7,6193073 
log. numeratoris 
— log. denominatoris = 7,6198073 
log. » = 0,9173689—2 
Huic logarithmo correspondet numerus 
x= 0,082674. 
Cum sit log. 5 = 0,6989700 proinde ejus 
complementum decadicum = 9,3010300 , 
istud per exponentem potentiae, id est per 2, 
multiplicetur, prodibit complem. decad. log. 5 
= 18,6020600. Sed quia hujus comple 
menti causa post additionem a summa 20 uni 
tates abjici debeant, abjiciantur statim 10, et

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