Full text: Vol. IV. (4)

Class III. Malleable. Specific gravity above 10.6. Dr Fordyce 
Order III. 
found a specimen from Norway composed of 
72 silver 
28 gold 
Sp. 3. Alloy of silver and antimony. 
Antimoniated silver ore. 
This alloy, which is found in the silver mines of 
Spain and Germany, is sometimes in grains or lumps, 
and sometimes crystallized in six-sided prisms, whose 
sides are longitudinally channelledt. 
Its colour is white. Its lustre metallic. Hardness 
10. Brittle. Specific gravity from 9 4406§ to 10. 
Texture foliated. Fracture conchoidal. Before the 
blow-pipe the antimony evaporates in a grey smoke, 
and leaves a brownish slag, which tinges borax green. 
If borax be used at first, a silver bead may be obtained. 
This alloy was long supposed to contain arsenic. 
Bergman examined it, and found only silver and anti 
monyf. His analysis has been confirmed by the ex 
periments of Vauquelin and Selb **. According to Selb, 
it is composed of .. 89 silver 
11 antimony 
* Pbil. Trans. 1776, p. 532 
Kirwan, ii. 110. 
t Romé de Lisle, ili. 461. 
§ Hauy, Jour de Min. No.XXX. 473. 
Opusc. ii. 415. 
Kirwan, ii. 110. 
** Jour. de Min. No. XXX. 473.

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