Nodk V.
Gouty con
How far the sinovia of the human body resembles
that of oxen it is impossible to say. The following fact
renders it probable, that it either contains different in
gredients, or is liable to alteration from disease. Con
cretions often form in the joints of gouty people, and
make their way through the skin. These, in common
language, are called chalk stones. Dr Pearson and Mr
Tennant analysed some of them, and found them com
posed of urat of soda *. This analysis has been repeated
by Fourcroy and confirmed †. It is doubtless this fact
that has induced Fourcroy to conjecture, that uric acid
forms a constituent part of sinovia t.
L'HE peculiar liquid secreted in the testes of males, and
destined for the impregnation of females, is known by
The human semen alone has hi
the name of semen.
therto been subjected to chemical analysis. Nothing
is known concerning the seminal fluid of other animals.
Vauquelin published an analysis of the human semen
in 1791.
Semen, when newly ejected, is evidently a mixture
of two different substances : the one, fluid and milky,
which is supposed to be secreted by the prostate gland ;
which he examined. He found, however, traces of some other phos
phat ; probably phosphat of soda. Pbil. Trans. 1799, p.246.
1 Ibid. ix. 224.
+ Fourcroy, x. 267.
* Jour. de Pbys. xIv. 399.