Chap. III.
tous acid. Part of the extractive matter has also under
gone the same change, and seems indeed to have been
the substance that first began the absorption of oxygen.
Part of it is deposited in the state of flakes ; part re
mains in solution, and disposes the vinegar to decompo
sition. Vinegar also contains a little tartar, and pro
bably also citric acid. Malic acid is also found in new
vinegar ; a proof that this part of the wine is the last
to undergo the acetous fermentation.
6. Acetous acid is formed in many other cases of the Acetous
acid formed
decomposition of vegetables besides the acetous fermen
by other
tation. These have been pointed out with much in
genuity by Vauquelin and Fourcroy. They may be re
duced under three heads. First, When sugar, gum,
tartar, wood, &c. are distilled in a retort, or even burnt
in the open fire, acetous acid separates in combination
with an empyreumatic oil which distinguishes its odour.
Hence it was mistaken for other acids, and distinguished
by the names of pyromucous, pyrolignous, pyrotartarous
acids, till its real nature was ascertained by these dis
Secondly, When concentrated
tinguished chemists *.
sulphuric acid is poured upon the same vegetable bodies,
they are decomposed in a very different manner; be
ing converted into water, charcoal, and acetous acid.
Tbirdly, Acetous acid is evolved in considerable quan
tity during the spontaneous decomposition of urine
and some other animal substances. Thus it appears,
that the component parts of acetous acid are extremely
apt to combine together in these proportions which con
stitute that important acid.
* Ann. de Cbim. XXXV. 183.
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