The nitric solution was evaporated to dryness: A
reddish substance remained, which indicated the pre
sence of oxide of iron. This substance was redissolved
in water, and some ammonia mixed with it ; a reddish
precipitate appeared, which, when dried, weighed 1,
and was oxide of iron. The remainder of the solution
was precipitated by carbonat of potass. The precipi
tare weighed, when dried, 20, and possessed the proper
ties of carbonat of lime. Therefore 200 parts of this
mineral contain 20 of carbonat of lime, 1 of oxide of
iron, and the remainder of the 33 parts he concluded to
be water.
The 167 parts, which were insoluble in nitric acid,
were mixed with 500 parts of carbonat of potass, and
7000 parts of water, and boiled for a considerable time.
The solution was then filtered, and the residuum wash
ed and dried. The liquid scarcely effervesced with a
cids ; but with barytes it produced a copious precipi
tate, totally indissoluble in muriatic acid. Therefore it
contained sulphuric acid.
The undissolved residuum, when dried, weighed 129
parts. It dissolved completely in muriatic acid. The
solution crystallized in needles; when dissolved in al
cohol, it burnt with a purple flame : and, in short, had
all the properties of muriat of strontian. Therefore
these 129 parts were carbonat of strontian. Now, 100
parts of this carbonat contain go of carbonic acid; there
fore 129 contain 38.7. Therefore the mineral must
contain in 200 parts 90. 3 of strontian.
Now, the insoluble residuum of 167 parts was pure
sulphat of strontian ; and we have seen that it contain
* Jouv. de Min. No. XXXViI. I.