Class I.
Order I.
Sp. 12. Petrilite *.
Cubic felspar.
This stone is found in the mass of mountains. It is
amorphous. Texture foliated. Fracture splintery. Frag
ments cubic, or inclining to that form ; their faces un
polished. Lustre 2. Transparency partly 2, partly 1.
Hardness 9. Specific gravity, 3.081. Colour reddish
brown. Does not melt at 160° Wedgewood.
Sp. 13. Felsite f.
Compact felspar.
This stone also forms a part of many mountains, and
is amorphous. Texture somewhat foliated. Fracture
uneven, approaching to the splintery. Lustre 1. Trans
parency scarce 1. Hardness 9. Colour azure blue,
and sometimes brown and green. Streak white. Be
fore the blow-pipe whitens and becomes rifty; but is
infusible per se.
Sp. 1. Pimelite.
The mineral distinguished by this name is an eartby
substance, of an apple green colour, which accompanies
the chrysopase of Tkosemütz. Klaproth has analysed
it, and found it composed of the following ingredients.
35.00 silica
15.62 oxide of nickel
5.00 alumina
4.58 oxide of iron
1.25 magnesia
37.91 water
t Ibid. 326.
1 Jour. &e. Plyr. li. 39.
* Kirwan, i. 325.