Book 1II.
F. Dccre
ments on
2. Decre
ments on
the angles.
An example of the first law of decrement, or of de
crement on the edges, has been given, above in conver
sion of the cubic nucleus to a rhomboidal dodecahedron.
In that example the decrement consisted of one row of
particles, and it took place on all the edges. But these
decrements may be more rapid; instead of one, they
may consist of two, three, four, or more rows: and in
stead of taking place on all the edges, they may be con
fined to one or two of them, while no decrement at all
takes place on the others. Each of these different mo
difications must produce a different secondary crystal.
Besides this, the laminae may cease to be added before
they have reached their smallest possible size ; the con
sequence of which must be a different secondary form.
Thus, in the example given above, if the superposition
of laminae had ceased before the pyramids were com
pleted, the crystal would have consisted of 18 faces, 6
squares parallel to the faces of the primitive nucleus
and 12 hexahedrons parallel to the faces of the seconda
ry dodecahedron. This is the figure of the borat of
lime-and-magnesia found at Luneburg.
The second law in which the decrement is on the
angles, or parallel to the diagonals of the faces of the
primitive nucleus, will be understood from the follow
ing example : Let it be proposed to construct around
the cube ABGF (fig. 22.), considered as a nucleus, a
secondary solid, in which the laminae of superposition
shall decrease on all sides by single rows of cubes, but
in a direction parallel to the diagonals. Let ABCD
(fig. 23.), the superior base of the nucleus, be divided
into 81 squares, representing the faces of the small
cubes of which it is composed. Fig. 24. represents the
superior surface of the first lamina of superposition