Book II.
ammonia is immediately exhaled. The nitric acid and
the water which it contains are decomposed ; the oxy
gen of each unites with the tin, and reduces it to the
state of an oxide ; and at the same time the hydrogen
of the water combines with the azot of the acid, and
forms ammonia, which is driven off by the stronger af
finity of the potass or lime. Dr Austin succeeded also
in forming ammonia by several other methods. He
introduced into a glass tube filled with mercury a little
azotic gas, and then put into the gàs some iron-filings
moistened with water. The iron decomposes the wa
ter and combines with its oxygen; and the hydrogen,
meeting with azot at the moment of its admission, com
bines with it, and forms ammonia. This experiment
shews, that the gaseous state of the azot does not pre
vent its combination with hydrogen.