This reciprocal alteration in the elementary constitution of
the acid and base is conceived, by Berzelius, to take place
even in the combination of ammonia with hydracids. For
example, when hydro chloric, that is, muriatic acid, is com
bined with ammonia water, to form sal ammoniac, which,
on the old Lavoisierian theory was considered as muriate of
ammonia with water of crystallisation, the hydro chloric
acid really undergoes decomposition, the ammonia combines
with its hydrogen, and is converted into ammonium, and this
latter combines with the chlorine, and forms chloride of am
monium. The case is the same, when chlorine gas is united
with ammoniacal gas : so that sal ammoniac is a chloride of
ammonium, as common salt is a chloride of sodium.
The resemblance between the compounds properly deno
minated salts, and those formed by the radicals of hydracids
and of bases, is so complete that it is impossible, without
offering violence to their external characters, to regard them
as belonging to dissimilar clásses of bodies. Nevertheless,
in a theoretical point of view, there is a wide difference be
tween the compounds of oxidated acids and bases, and
those of combustible bodies without oxygen ; and it may,
therefore, be argued from this, that the present theory sup
poses arrangements which have no existence in reality.
Dulong has attempted to reconcile