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Metadata: Braun, Carl Adolph: Commentatio de ususfructus parentum in bonis liberorum tam de iure Romano quam Germanico genuino fundamento
- Title:
- Commentatio de ususfructus parentum in bonis liberorum tam de iure Romano quam Germanico genuino fundamento
- Other titles:
- Caroli Adolphi Bravnii ... commentatio de vsvsfrvctvs parentvm in bonis liberorvm tam de ivre Romano qvam Germanico genvino fvndamento
- Edition:
- Editio secunda
- Printing location:
- Jena
- Printer:
- Ritter
- Publication year:
- 1749
- Scope:
- [1] Bl., 152 S.
- Keyword:
- Familie
- Language:
- Latin
- Shelfmark:
- VADI 591-007
- Catalog ID:
- 352804