Full text: Fulvio, Andrea: ILLVSTRIVM IMAGINES



Type: drawing

Note: Further links to external Census database:

  · Census ID10050429: »Sestertius of Claudius / Legend in Oak (RIC 112)«

    D rusi fratris T yberii I mperatoris seniorisq; A grippĩę filius G ermanici adoptati ab eodẽ T yberio & L iuillę frater natus L ugdũi mõstrum incoactum a natura non perfectum appellatus obliuiosus/ stolidus / libertis uxoribusq; addictus insperato & miserabili casu/ ex latebris ad imperiũ stirpe C aesariũ deficiente raptus. B oleto ab A grippina nepte & uxore. sibi cõscia necatus. LXIIII. ętatis suę anno. sex ei uxores ĩfra notate obtigere.

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