Full text: Pieraccini, Eugenio: Catalogue of the Royal Uffizi Gallery in Florence

1573. JACOPO DEL SELLAIO, of Florence, b. 1442, d. 1493. 
The Deposition. 
H. m. 1,70 — L. m. 1,75. 
72. SOGLIANI Gio. Antonio. 
The Annunciation of the Virgin. — On wood. Life size. 
H. m. 2,00 — L. m. 2,13. 
1542. VECCHIETTA (Lorenzo di Pietro, called il), of Siena, 
b. 1410, d. 1480. 
The Virgin with her divine Son and several Saints. 
Given to the Gallery by the family Petrucci of Siena. 
On wood. Life size. 
H. m. 1,58 — L. m. 2,00. 
The Holy Virgin sitting on a throne with the Divine 
Child, and six Saints at the sides. — On canvas. Life 
H. m. 1,75 — L. m. 2,02. 
63. SOGLIANI Gio. Antonio. 
Meeting of Doctors of the Church for the discussion 
on the original sin. In the foreground lies Adam. 
Above God receives the Virgin in Heaven. — On wood. 
Life size. 
H. m. 3,45 — L. m. 2,00. 
1541. GRANACCI Francesco. 
The Virgin with her dioine Child, St. Francis and 
St. Zanobius. 
H. m. 1,91 — L. m. 1,72. 
1278bis. ANDREA VEREOCCHIO, of Florence, b. 1435, d. 1488. 
The Virgin on a Throne with the Infant Jesus. On 
both sides are St. John and St. Zanobius; kneeling St. 
Nicolas of Bari and St. Francis. 
This painting was formerly in the convent of SS. An¬ 
nunziata in Florence. 
H. m. 1,73 — L. m. 1,65. 
65bis, ROSSELLI Cosimo. 
The Holy Virgin with her divine Son, called La Ma¬ 
donna della Stella. — On wood. Life size. 
H. m. 1,90 — L. m. 1,36.

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