DINOCRATES the architect, relying on the powers of his
skill and ingenuity, whilst Alexander was in the midst of
his conquests, set out from Macedonia to the army, de¬
sirous of gaining the commendation of his sovereign.
That his introduction to the royal presence might be fa¬
cilitated, he obtained letters from his countrymen and
relations to men of the first rank and nobility about the
king's person ; by whom being kindly received, he be¬
sought them to take the earliest opportunity of accom¬
plishing his wish. They promised fairly, but were slow
in performing; waiting, as they alleged, for a proper
occasion. Thinking, however, they deferred this without
just grounds, he took his own course for the object he
had in view. He was, I should state, a man of tall
stature, pleasing countenance, and altogether of dignified
appearance. Trusting to the gifts with which nature
had thus endowed him, he put off his ordinary clothing.
and having anointed himself with oil, crowned his head
with a wreath of poplar, slung a lion's skin across his
left shoulder, and carrying a large club in his right hand,
he sallied forth to the royal tribunal, at a period when