Apaturius of Alabanda, 167, et
Aristoxenes, the musician, 7.
107, 111.
Apelles, the painter, 7.
Arms of Catapults, 6, 252.
Apennine mountains, 42.—De-
Arrangement, 9.—In Doric pro-
scribed, 58.
portions, 88.
Apollo, colossal, of Ephesus, 238.
—Of Delos, 206.—Of Delphi,
80.-Games dedicated to Apollo
and the Muses, by Ptolemy, at
Alexandria, 152.—Temple of,
at Miletus, 156.
Apophygis, a contraction of thick-
ness, 95.
Apothesis, 83.
Aqueduct, 197.
Aquileia, 17.
Aquitaine, 33.
Arabia, Numidian, 187, 189.
Arachne, a dial, 223.
Aradus, 264.
Aræostylos, 68, 70, 290.
Aratus, 219.
Arcadia, 190.
Arched Channels, 196.
Arches, 148.
Archimedes, 6, 9, 155, 205.
Architecture, defined, 3.— On
what it depends, 9.—Of its
different branches, 13.
Architrave, 93, 114.
Archytas, 9, 155, 205.—Arcs or
rods, iron (uncini ferrei), 120.
Ardea, fountains of, 185.
Area, 21, 26, 63, 72, 202.
Area, of a city, disposition and
situation of buildings within
it, 21.
Areopagus, 34.
Arevanias, 48.
Arezzo, 47.
Argelius, 155.
Argos, 48, 80, 191.
Ariobarzanes, 117.
Aristarchus, of Samos, 7, 8, 213,
Aristides, 193.
Aristippus, the Socratic philo-
sopher, 127.
Aristomenes of Thasos, the pain-
ter, 62.
Aristophanes, the comic poet,
128.—The grammarian, 152.
Aristotle, 151, 202.
Arrises, of Fillets, 78.
Arsenal, 123, 154.
Arsinoe, 81.
Artemisia, 49, et seq.
Artemo, 236.
Artist, or workman, 149.
Arts, relative to attacks, 19, 258.
Ascent, 72, 96, 112.
Asia, 38, 42.
Asphaltic pool, 187.
AgTAvog, herb, 17.
Astabora, river, 183.
Astasoba, river, ib.
Astragal, 74, 93.
Astrologers, 112, 219.
Astronomy, 7.
Athos, Mount, 30.
Athenians, 80, 128.
Athens, 22, 34, 47, 67, 97, 117,
156, 169, 186, 207, 220.
avreg, 147.
Atlas, 183.
Atoms, 36.
Attack, machines for, 258.
Attalus, 81.—Attalic Kings, 47,
Attic, honey, 57; attic work, ro
arrovpyég, 73, 92, 94.
Auger (terebra), 259.
Augustus, temple of, 103.
M. Aurelius, 2.
Auriga, a celestial sign, 216.
Aöoov, 25.
Auster, 22.
Automata, 224.
Aventine, Mount, 171.
Axis, 84, 208, 225,236, 238.
Axle, 239.
Axles, 232.
Axon, 221.
BABYLON, walls of, 20, 187.
Bacchus, temples of, 11, 27, 69,
87, 117, 155.
Baiæ, 40.—Baian Mountains, 41.