-"M. Vitruvii Pollionis de Architectura Libri decem.
Ope Codicis Guelferbytani, editionis principis, cetero-
rumque subsidiorum recensuit, et Glossario, in quo
vocabula artis propria Germ. Ital. Gall. et Angl.
explicantur, illustravit Augustus Rode Dessaviensis.
Berolini, sumtibus Aug. Mylii. 1800."—Two thin
volumes Quarto. The plates to this Edition were
published in Folio in the ensuing year to the num-
ber of twenty. The text of this Edition is of little
value. The plates though ill executed and the
glossary in five languages, are useful to the Archi-
tectural student. It has no notes appended.
M. Vitruvii Pollionis de Architectura Libri Decem
ad Optimas Editiones collati. Præmittitur Notitia
literaria Studiis Societatis Bipontinæ. Accedit Ano-
nymi scriptoris veteris Architectura compendium
cum indicibus. Argentorati Ex Typographia Socie-
tatis MDCCCVII. —Octavo.
Marci Vitruvii Pollionis De Architectura Libri
Decem. Ex fide librorum scriptorum recensuit,
emendavit, suisque et vivorum doctorum Annotation-
ibus illustravit Io. Gottlob Schneider, Saxo. Lipsiæ,
sumtibus et Litteris G. J. Göschen. Anno MDCCGVII.'
-3 Vols. Imper. Octavo. This Edition, the second
and third volumes of which are devoted to com-
mentaries on the text, is the best edition of the
Author which has appe red. It is much to be re-
gretted that it was published without plates; with
the addition of them it would have been a perfect
" Los diez libros de Arquitectura de Marco Vitruvio
Pollion, traducidos del Latin por Michaël de Urrea.
Alcala de Henarez. 1602."—Folio.
"Los diez libros de Architectura de M. Vitruvio Pol¬
lion, traducidos del Latin y commentados por Don
Joseph Ortiz y Sanz. Presbytero. Madrid. 1787."-
Large Folio, with plates.