Full text: Vitruvius: The civil architecture of Vitruvius

disposed at equal intervals between them, against the centre 
of every tile. Those over the columns should be perforated 
down to the channel which receives the rain water; and the 
others solid, in order that the water which is received into 
thè gutters from the roof, having no means of escaping 
through them, may not incommode those who, in seeking 
shelter, are obliged to pass through the intervals between 
the columns. The water is discharged from the mouths of 
such heads only as are placed over the columns. 
Having thus closed the relation of what appertains to 
the construction of lonic temples, we proceed in the next 
book to explain the proportions which are peculiar to 
temples of the Doric and Corinthian orders of architecture.

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