Full text: Vitruvius: The architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, in ten books

complete circle. Then replacing the gnomon correctly, 
watch its increasing shadow, which after the sun has 
passed his meridian, will gradually lengthen till it become 
exactly equal to the shadow made in the forenoon, then 
again touching the circle at the point C. From the 
points B and C, as centres, describe two arcs cutting each 
other in D. From the point D, through the centre of 
the circle, draw the line EF, which will give the north 
and south points. Divide the whole circle into sixteen 
parts. From the point E, at which the southern end of 
the meridian line touches the circle, set off at G and H 
to the right and left a distance equal to one of the said 
sixteen parts, and in the same manner on the north side. 
placing one foot of the compasses on the point F, mark 
on each side the points I and K, and with lines drawn 
through the centre of the circle join the points GK and 
HI, so that the space from G to H will be given to the 
south wind and its region; that from I to K to the 
north wind. The remaining spaces on the right and left 
are each to be divided into three equal parts; the ex¬ 
trême points of the dividing lines on the east sides, to be 
designated by the letters L and M; those on the west by 
the letters NO; from M to O and from L to N draw 
lines crossing each other: and thus the whole circum¬ 
ference will be divided into eight equal spaces for the 
winds. The figure thus described will be furnished with 
à letter at each angle of the octagon. Thus, beginning 
at the south, between the regions of Eurus and Auster, 
will be the letter G; between those of Auster and Afri- 
cus, H; between Africus and Favonius, N; between 
that and Caurus, O; K between Caurus and Septen¬ 
trio; between Septentrio and Aquilo, I; between Aquilo

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