Full text: Vitruvius: The architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, in ten books

VACCINIUM, purple colour prepared from, 225. 
VALVEs (cymbala), 319. 
— (axes), 317. 
VARRo, Ter., 59. 196. 266. 
VAsEs, used in the theatre, 138. 
VAULT, 128, 129. 
VAULTED roofs, of towers, 39. 
VAULTED temple, 120. 195. 211. 
VAULTING (concameratio), 46. 153. 187. 
VAULTS (cryptæe), 179. 
VEJovis, temples of, 120. 
VELINus, 244. 
VENICE, 53. 
VENTER, ia, in aqueducts, 254. 
VENus, temples of, 12. 31. 59; planet, 270. 
VERMILIon, 217; preparation, 219. 
VEssEL, Corinthian, 249; brazen vessels in theatres, 138. 
VESTA, altar of, 122. 
VESTIBULE, 179. 184. 197. 
VEsTorius taught the preparation of a blue colour at Puteoli, 217. 
VESuVIus, Mount, 50. 
VICENARIAE, pipes, 253. 
VILLA, 181. 
VIRTUE AND HIONOUR, temples of, 82. 197. 
VoLuTEs, 92.99. 103. 105. 
VULCAN, temple of, 31. 
WAGGON, 298. 
WALLS, 21. 
WALLS (incumbæe), 188. 

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