Full text: Vitruvius: The architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, in ten books

.— Editio princeps."—Without year, place, or printer's name 
Printed at Rome, by George Herolt, under the superintend- 
ence of Sulpitius, in or about 1486. It begins without title 
as follows:—“ 10. SULPITIUS LECTORI SALUTEM. Cum di¬ 
vinum opus Victruvii : non modo studiosis: sed reliquis ho¬ 
minibus, &c."—At the end of the last book of Vitruvius are 
the following verses: 
Lector habes tandem veneranda volumina docti 
Victruvii: quorum copia rara fuit. 
Hæc lege : nam disces : nova: magna : recondita: pulchra : 
Et qua sint in re sæpe futura tua. 
Emendata vides: sed peccat litera siqua 
Corrige : nemo satis lynceus esse potest. 
To the Vitruvius is subjoined,— Sexti Julii Frontini viri con¬ 
sularis : de aquis que in urbem influunt : libellus mirabilis."— 
The pages are of thirty-four lines, and the Vitruvius contains 
ninety-four fols. including the letter of Sulpitius, &c. The 
Frontinus contains only sixteen fols. Gaignat Catalogue 54 
francs. La Valiere ditto 130 francs. Polenus says there are 
but few errors in this edition. Harwood says it is a very 
scarce book. 
1496. This Edition begins thus.—" Hoc in volumine hæc opera 
continentur. L. Vitruvii Pollionis de Architectura Libri de¬ 
cem. Sexti Julii Frontini de Aquæductibus Liber unus. 
Angeli Politiani Opusculum: quod Panepistemon inscribi¬ 
tur. Angeli Politiani in priora Analytica prælectio, cui ti¬ 
tulus est Lamia."—At the end of the Vitruvius:— Florentiæe 
impressum anno a natali Christiano M.CCCC.LXXXXVI."—fol.

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