SOME are found in certain places in a native state, and
thence dug up, whilst others are composed of different
substances, ground and mixed together, so as to answer
the same purpose. First we shall explain the nature
of that which is found native, called by the Greeks
ége. This, as in Italy, is discovered in many places, but
the best is the Attic sort, which cannot now be procured,
for in working the silver mines at Athens, if by chance
they fell upon a vein of ochre, they followed it up just
as they would one of silver. Hence the ancients used
abundance of ochre in their finishings. Red ochre is
also found in many places, but the best only in a few,
as at Sinope, in Pontus; in Egypt; in the Balearic
Islands, near the coast of Spain ; also in Lemnos, the
revenue of which island the senate and people of Rome
granted to the Athenians. The Parætonion takes its name
from the place where it is dug up. The Melinon on a si¬
milar account is so called, from its abundance in Melos, one
of the Cyclades. Green chalk is also found in many places;
but the best comes from Smyrna, and is called by the Greeks
Geodoziov, because Theodotus was the owner of the land in
which it was first discovered. Orpiment, which is called
aggévizov in Greek, is obtained from Pontus. Red lead
is also obtained from many places, but the best comes
from Pontus, near the river Hypanis. In other spots as