Ai S he pene d e eohne ae e de e auihng n olie
dehen hen on elon e h e he oneni nelegenie
pelonane ny Bothe he ie Mi. Venan eron vol bepoer i li le
ointon the Puhle hat the Lete Pes of te it Volune and dfa great pat dt he
Second wa pinted beforehis denth, and inethat perod herening at ha ben ene.
tuy pinted from a cored mandeipt copy prepared y hinéels and vhich, confomable
to hs weih eine into ny poltelon, vih is epreh ordes oe compleing and pahiling
the Work. Thelhates were lkevise chiedy fnished belore his dele ; thode which hare
ben fnce engenved, vece coped fiom his ovn higly hnished Desgns; and he Porteit
was engraved fiom a Dbauving taken only a fey weks previous to that unfontunate erent.
TheWot, in thi very adaned sae, came inte ny posesion; and thepat vlichderoled
pon me having been exccuted with a ftric regand to his infrucdions, I hopel fal be
jultified in afsering that the whole Work, as here presented to the Public, is precicly what
its Author intended.
Thornbaugh Street,
Bedford Square.