VVn hedenin n en ene e ean e ie
enpie of the carth, and thou hadt vich invincbevelour, fibdued allthy enenies;: th-
ditsens gloied in thy tiunph and victoy; all ations sobjedted, atended thy command.
and the peopleand ente of Rome, deliered fiom fear, wvere gorerned by chy soperigt
widom and judgmnent. I pesumed not then, when thou wert o much engsged, to
pubich tis tetse of Achitecture, which I hare wich great fudy compoledi, fening to
incur thy dipestite, by the unstnes of the time. But nou, seing the atentie, not
ony to publie affirs, and the general securty of the stare, but allo o the convenience of
puble edisces, for by the, Rome, the feat of the cempire, has been adomed wih
puble buiding, as wellas enriched with prorinces) L judged it righit to delay no longer
prelening to the these thijng; the rather, becaule, being knovn to chy facher, andadmiting
his virtues, when the celesial council of the Gods, had raikd hin to theit innortd
leats, and tanfred to thy command, the enpire of chy father, the vencraion richt
recined for bis memory, procured me thy favour;, vhecore vich Ml. Aurelius, P. Numidius.
and C. Cornelus, I was apointed to the care and repanation of the balidtas, Corpions,
and other military engines, and wich them receive the revad. This thou didt frdt
confer on me, in conlequence of thy fister's commendation. Being therefore so greatly
indebted to thy beneficence, and to the end of my life freed from the fear of want; L began
to write for the this treatise, having oberved how much thou hast built, and art now
bulding; and foreseeing the care thou wilt have in future of public and private edifices, that
the memory of thy great atchievements may descend to posterity. I have written these
precepts with precision, that by their help, thou mayest judge of the works already done, or
that lhall be done hereafter; for in these books I have revealed all the principles of the art.
(19 wlich of he Roman emperors i vas, whom Virwvius here adtelle, sa pom not Erdled. Se the Remakes on
the Life of Vitruvius, prefixed.