Sene enene e eo ene ge e en eneaei en
ene eng e e en ene in e ne ne el eie
eac hun beiche ih on en te a n e anin i and .
e ih eh ehen eheae ean ene e e el n e inie
nea ahengehe eeheie e n en eo ele on ane neie en elen
le e ehoese ehe enthon a inen n ih len a in
hene thich ecould ne dange ron he senene ne pehine ie Vieninerene.
begepaohiene ne an e i ehe n and inereleie
hinenane an e e etainh ne aer eros eah e e eniens lin eig edin
teripeng n e oe ena ehe e eo einin ie nin
in force.
agin-Taetus nunbersthetenple d piter Setor vowedly Romndlug and uit he ondil e.
gelus and dt Regulug mnongthe buidingsthat verebun in tis condagation and Venuin t i i)
menione dtenpleofthi nane a n eranple, bo he sog it uas n elich mng feuig ar oruiran ehe
poritof letelse NVov tis portico wesner the Creus Fhaninibs, whereche fie did not reich: whes
the tenpl of jopiter Staor, voved by Romulns, ves ner the Forun, and mount Palatine uhere the fe
ragedh and ves wihin the bound of ehe oiginal diy of Romulie, Varo qoed yr lecohius Sruril.
1.M. mentions a temple of JopierStatorat he Creus Flaminius; and Ploy alo erir, 1.) Ooeiks
of a temple of tis mame, and oftheportieo of Metellig, s in being when he wrote: hence it folous that
the tenple mentioned by Viruius vas pobaby not chat elich Tacitus says wes deftoyed by the frein
Neos regngandtherefor the angunen villot plh. la the hortand tunultous regnso Gabe Ohe.
and Vielug itis not probable that Viruvins poblihed hs volk: nor cen i e supoled that hewrotete
Vehaln; or enstenesvuloeage. Viterieg iahis it proen mnentionsthe iderofche enpe.
whom he addresses, and Vespasian had no sister.
Therign of T'us foloved neit; and nocdicpanstane thet havemet vich, oren cole, opofesche
ipotion of his being the emnperor to whom Vitruvius dedeated his wok: on thecontrag, many ct-
cunstances tem to agre therewith; and it is coufrmed by ochers that ender it probible that it was to no
succeeding emperor.
The fit erption of mount Velqvis upon reord hapened in the hat yearof hereign of Tirus. So won¬
derfola phenomenon could not be unknovn to any author vho wrote afer that event. Bat Viruvius d. i.
e. 4.) lays kere ua a radion han seh an event had hafpened in formner inet: a lufient indcetion that he
Enew of no sich for certeinty, and confquenty that it had not hapened when he wrote thepasage
Theportico of Metellus, ust before mentioned, Vitruvius speaks ofasin being. Paterculus, who wotein
tne feign of Tiberius, says (.i. c. xi.) li porico ua faroundeal ey that q Ockauia; and Do (C.lé.)
relates that al he buidige gf Ofavia wvere defryed by a fre khat hafpened in ihe reign of Titur ; from whene it
is probable Vitruvius wrote before that fire happened. It is true, Titus is faid to have reftored these build¬
ings; but this could scarely be done completely within his fhort reign: it is related that he did not live to
mmin all the works he had begun, but that they were finiched by Domitan. Even had they been com-