Full text: Vitruvius: The architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio

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The rederis now eféred to nic 19) Ch VI Bodk V. nd node t.) Bok. K. Proen, vhere the fens 
ering onthe fonedegres t tethetrene mentonch nd hich eanies thetin eirunisbesond 
that of Caligula. 
L may befarchet remanked onthe pafige hat the mention of coveing of fets being ladon the deges, 
makesitalmof eitinthathere wes fomne heitrein Romein which the degeswere of fone, and wicht 
wes the pradiceto coret, hen Virwvius wvote; andit saloequaly robalble hat the degres of Ponpeys 
heitemudt have ben of vod fon being o many tinesconfuned by fie, s before anged. Thiskrenghas 
theopinion tha he wrote ater the edion of he theatres of Marcels and Balbus in the tineof Augustus. 
te) la che account the Marquis de Venui gives of the dico. M Itis notimprobable that it may have been the collegue d vin¬ 
vius mentioned in his first proem; and whose name the coppit 
very of Herculaneum, he says, upon being let down into the theatre, 
have written P. Numidius, and sometimes Numidicus, or Mim¬ 
he observed the degrees to be covered with wood, appearing like a 
dius; all which variations may have arisen from the incorrect forma- 
great wooden staircase —An inscription still remaining over the 
tion of the letters in the old manuscripts. 
orchestra door of this theatre, records P. Numisius as the architect.

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