Full text: Vitruvius: The architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio

Tuzv allo erect round temples, of which some, built with columns, without 
18 Lrui acel ne eled nopeai and cthes peipenl. Those vhich ae nad¬ 
without a cell, have a tribunal and an alcent sa), equal to a third part of their diamete 
Upon the stylobata sal, the columns are raised, equal in heighth to the extreme diameter af 
the walls of the sylobata; their thicknes is the tenth part of their heighth, including the 
capitals and bases. The episty lium is in heighch equal to half the thickness of the columne 
The zophorus, and the other members which are placed above, conform to the rules vritte 
in the third book. 
Bor if these temples are to be made peripteral, two steps (o), and the 
tylobata ah, are built at the botom; then the wall (d) of the cellis made 
recding siom the stylobat, about the fith part of the breadtit; and at the middle of the 
apoch isleit the plhce ofthe dons (ch). Thecel le, erchudive of che wall, is cqual in 
daner tothehegheh of the colunns abore the syjobhats. The colunns aound the ele 
lormed acording to the ane poportions and qyumety ashas before ben mentioned. Th¬ 
proporion of the rof in themiddleis uch, that halfthe diameter of the uhole work maltes 
ihehaegsth of thethols edihie o he done. The towe, vihont ihepranid. 
(*) Monopteral signifies having but one wing or aile. 
(89) The tribunal and alcent, here mentioned, is evidently 
the pedestal, or podium, upon which the columns stand; 
for inmediately after it is calld tylobata. There was, no 
doubt, a fight of steps in the front to ascend this podium. 
thongh Viruvius gives us no information concerning them: 
but Praneh, in his Magnifitena di Roma, gives us a repre¬ 
lentaion ofatemple of tis kind, vlich heditovered on an 
anden fragmen, in the VlaMedcda kome, wheré thesten. 
appear to be raied betwyen the two font columns, alo Pal- 
ladio and Serlio, vhodrer che Sybis templeat Tivoli mao- 
pens pat, have placed he seps in the fon intercolomn: 
and ele present uins of chat tenple erine hathey cold 
havebenin no oher place o have ertended farher, he 
podum mouldings fil emaining under the colunn ad¬ 
soning oche front irercolun hate acocdigsh repe- 
kented ihe sepg in ihe nane, i deugeis, e 
Kel an e ie e e eae eelin 
tiehesgithof istibuna or polumn s tobegoalto he 
teinc eut ie danere, it i bund ia the ranpe 
aorenenioneh e or piares hnl khon no nonegt. 
tie ranlauor hane onoemned tiereo in thei danghts. 
9.) Piurwris shs abouc che sich oare ha che Srhi= 
teplen Tuoh ud in de epleod Vvelae one oh 
eten on enge e h ich erechoenalet 
teceh konte eon e hobe el eid 
ear o e leght ofede ohons o hir vien dede 
nereh neldhege e vale ndegal o le 
hegeaeahen ie eoneta ie 
aice enah ih e enehane= 
(105) The tholus is the cupola, or dome; it sometimes 
lignies the center stone or ornament in the croun of che 
dome. Concerning the figure of the dome of the cell, which 
appeared above the entablature of the colunns, we can drav 
no information from the antique, that partof the temple at 
Tivoli being desroyed, but there is a pat of the wallof 
the cel stilete, which ries above the level of the cornice. 
and which shews no inclination from the perpendicular like 
the arch of a dome; so chat the springig of che dome must 
have been above that part, if any dome there was; for in 
the relevo of the monopteral round temple inthe villa le¬ 
dici, there is no dome, bu a blocking, or plinth, pon the 
cornice, and abovethat àarof, ike that of the Tover ofthe 
Wind at Athens; he stones that forned che rof beig in 
the same manner, cut into the figure of tiles, 
(1) We know not the figure of the fower here men- 
toned, bu, as ktis sad to be of che sie of the capials 
ot the columns, it may alo have ben ofa finiar shape: 
for thus it was found to have been in the Temple of the 
Winds at Athens, acordng to Mr. Stuart. 
The temple ofchesybil at Tvol, ageéesvery apely, in o 
much as remains of it, vich che description here given; that 
of vesta a Rome is alo very finilar; bu, in this later¬ 
the daneter of the cel, including the vals is eqal o 
ehe legheh of the colonns; uheres iathe forner the cel 
is of ha daneter, erclulie of the vals kerein on. 
korning to che nule here given, Vanweus has mentioned 
eniecene of hevalo ehe eli the enplen lio. 
aborenenieoneh i oeche ane hiehaes as tecohune 
around it.

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