Full text: Vitruvius: M. Vitruvii Pollionis De architectura libri decem

Rota tympanum X, 4. p. 293. 
Rudus. Ruderatio. De ea VII, 1. (Aestrich.) 
Rutrum (Mauerkelle) VII, 3. p. 203. 
Sabulo masculus VIII, 1. p. 225. II, 3. p. 51 
Sacoma, , pondus exaequans, aequale IX, 9. p. 
283. IX, praef. p. 257. 
Salientes ducti sunt e fontibus VIII, 3. p. 234. VIII, 7. 
p. 247. 
Sambuca, in musicis VI, 1. p. 166. machina X, 22. p. 331. 
Sarracum, vehiculum X, 1. p. 290. 
Saxa. De iis II, 7. 
Scaeva, i, portarum itinera I, 5. p. 30. 
Scalae. De iis IX, praef. (1, 3.) in theatro V, 6. p. 143. 
Scalaria, scalae V, 6. 
Scalmi in navi X, 8. p. 300. 
Scalpturae II, 9. III, 3. sima IV, 6. p. 119. 
Scamilli (in stylobata) impares III, 3. p. 94. V, 9. p. 
Scansorium X, 1 pr. 
Scaphe, horologium IX, 9. p. 280. 
Scaphium, vas VIII, 1. p. 226. 
Scapus in columna. De eo III, 2. & 3. climacidos in bali¬ 
sta X, 17. p. 318. trutinae X, 8. p. 299. in foribus IV, 
6. p. 120. in scalis IX, praef. (2. 
Scena. De ea V, 6. 7. 8. de tribus scenarum generibus V, 8. 
Scenographia I, 2. p. 20. 
Schema sphaeroides VIII, 6. p. 246. schemata, figurae I, 
6. p. 38. VI, praef. p. 160. 
Schola in balneo V, 10. p. 153. 
Sciather, i. gnomon I, 6. p. 36. 
Scorpio, machina. De ea X, 15. X, 1. 8. I, 1. & 5. 
Scotia, in columnis III, 3. p. 95. IV, 3. p. 114. 
Scutulae, in pavimento VII, 1. p. 198. 
Sectilia, lithostrota, ibid. 
Securicula (Schwalbenschwanz) IV, 7. p. 122. X, 17. p. 
319. securiculatis cardinibus X, 15. p. 314. 
Semicanaliculi in triglyphis IV, 3. p. 113. 
Semilateres II, 3. p. 52. 
Semimetopium IV, 3. p. 113.

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