Full text: Vitruvius: M. Vitruvii Pollionis De architectura libri decem

Ferramenta, instrumenta fabrilia VII, 2. VII, 8. X, 22. 
p. 332. 
Fibula 1, 5. p. 31. X, 2. 3. 12. 
Fibulatio tignorum X. 3. p. 292. 
Fistucatio III, 3. p. 93. VII, 1. p. 197. X, 3. p. 292. VII, 
4. p. 207. 
Fistula, Rœhre. De iis VIII, 3. 7. VI, 3. X, 12. in ma¬ 
china Ctesibiana. 
Flos in capitulo IV, 1. p. 107. IV, 7. p. 123. VII, 5. p. 
209. Flos nitri VII, 11. 217. 
Fores. De foribus IV, 6. 
Forum. De foro V, 1. 
Frigidarium V, 11. p. 155. 
Frontes II, 8. p. 63. Futtermauern. 
Frontati utraque parte, ibid. 
Fulmina, ornamenta IV, 3. p. 114. 
Fulturae VI, 11. p. 186. 
Fundamentum. De fundamentis murorum & turrium I, 5. thea¬ 
tri V, 3. p. 133. 
Fundationes operum: de iis III, 3. 
Funduli ambulatiles X, 13. p. 308. in hydraulico. 
Funis ductarius X, 2. p. 291. X, 3. p. 292. antarii, ibid. 
Fusterna, abietis pars superior II, 9. p. 72. 
Fusus: fusi in machina X, 6. p. 296. 
Geniculus in aquaeductu VIII, 7. p. 248. 
Gerusia, in urbe Sardianorum II, 8. p. 64. 
Gleba: glebae (Massen, Stücke) calcis, marmoris, al. VII. 
2. 6. 8. II, 1. 
Gnomon. as. De eo I, 6. p. 36. IX, 5. p. 276. &c. 
Gnomonice, pars architecturae I, 3. gnomonicae rationes IX, 
1. p. 260. ad easdem spectant c. 2. 3. 4. p. 269-276. 
Gonarche, horologium IX, 9. p. 280. 
Gradationes V, 3. p. 133. 
Gradus III, 3. p. 94. 
Grumus terrae congestitiae II, 1. p. 47. 
Grus X, 19. p. 322. 
Guttarum distributiones sub triglyphis IV, 3. p. 113. 
Gymnasium. De iis V, 11. 
Gynaeconitis VI, 10. p. 182.

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